Enjoy the Taste of Independent Living with the Scent of the Sea
Kyrenia, Alsancak
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Project Type
Construction Status
Under Construction
Total Houses
Delivery Date
June 2025
Total Area

Enjoy the Taste of Independent Living with the Scent of the Sea

  • Step towards the endless blue of the sea and the tranquility of nature. A total of 12 townhouses and 20 detached villas await to offer you an extraordinary living experience. Each with its private swimming pool, these residences will present you with the magnificent view of the Mediterranean at every moment.
  • Located just a 5-minute drive from the Necat British and American College, this living space offers a privileged education and living experience. Built with eco-friendly materials, these residences stand out with their double-glazed insulated exterior facades and stone cladding.
  • Featuring suspended ceilings and a special lighting system in the interior, these homes provide spaciousness and comfort. Regional parquet, marble, or ceramic floorings bring elegance and durability together. Akrilux kitchen cabinets and built-in wardrobes in the bedrooms combine functionality and style.
  • Equipped with modern features such as solar energy and boiler system, central heating/cooling, and hydrofor system, these residences enable an eco-friendly lifestyle. While creating an environmentally conscious living space with green landscaping, seamless communication is provided with satellite internet and telephone infrastructure.
  • With a covered garage, site perimeter lighting, and a total of 3 different housing options including Type A, B, and C, a life beyond your dreams awaits."

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Project Number:  #713
Property Location:  Alsancak,Kyrenia
Project Type: 
Status:  On Sale
Total Area:  8.000 m²
Publish Date:  15.05.2024
Update Date:  20.05.2024
Project Location
AKDENİZ EVLERİ has been marked as Alsancak, Kyrenia The exact location will be notified to you by the advertiser.
Demographic Information
Alsancak, Kyrenia

29.50% of the people living in Alsancak Kyrenia region work as Private Sector and 15.50% as Freelance. 20.40% of the people living in this region are in the 35-44 age range. In addition, 31.13% of the people living in the region have High School education.

Visit our Region Analysis page for more detailed information.

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The demographic information on this page is shown in cooperation with LIPA Consultancy.

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